Lunes, Hunyo 25, 2012

Allergy Guide for Hypersensitive Individuals

Sulfite Allergy Guide
Some food may be enhanced or preserved by adding sufur-based compounds. These compounds occur naturally and are collectively known as sulfites. The Food and Drug Administration has given an estimate of 1 in 100 individuals who have sensitivity to sulfites. Sulfite sensitivity has an unknown cause. It may also be acquired regardless of age.

Sulfite reactivity, in sensitive individuals, range from mild to severe. The use of sulfites on certain produce was banned in 1986 by the FDA. The FDA now requires manufacturers to list sulfites, if used, on their product labels. A variety of cooked and processed foods have added sulfites in their ingredients. Fresh foods no longer contain sulfites. Sulfites naturally occur in wine and beer.
For sensitive individuals, the only way to prevent a reaction is to avoid foods that contain or may contain sulfites. Label reading is an important habit to develop by sulfite sensitive individuals. When eating out, it is best to inquire from the person cooking your meals if sulfite was used at any time during preparation.

Cockroach Allergy Facts
Saliva and animal skin from animals can make people have allergy. Animal allergies can develop in two or three years. Some symptoms diminish after a few months. Apart from sneezing and congestion, watery eyes are also part of the symptoms. When possible, try to avoid the animals that cause the allergies.

Antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal steroids may be helpful. When allergy symptoms become chronic, immunotherapy can be recommended. Roaches may cause symptoms that are similar. There many treatments but these are the same.
Dander allergies can be prevented by not allowing the pet to go inside the bedroom. Pets should be washed weekly as well as removed from chairs, sofa and the like. A prevention technique in order to prevent cockroach allergy is to keep the bins tightly closed and taking them out on regular basis.

Latex Allergies
Hypersensitivity to latex happens when a person comes in contact with products that have latex. Gloves, condoms, and other medical equipment made of latex are offending products to people with latex allergy. During an allergic reaction due to latex, symptoms will appear. These are eye tearing and irritation, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and itchiness of the skin or nose. Allergic reactions caused by latex may range from mild to severe symptoms. Mild symptoms include itchiness and development of skin rashes. The most severe allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. It is a life-threatening condition. It can cause difficulty of breathing due to tightening of airways, hives, low blood pressure, and gastrointestinal problems.

Removal of products that contain latex is part of the treatment of latex allergy. Antihistamines and epinephrine are ideal drugs to treat allergy symptoms. Wearing of MedicAlert bracelet and bringing of an emergency epinephrine kit are needed especially when you have latex allergy.
If you are diagnosed with latex allergy, you should avoid products with latex content.

Cat Allergy
Pet fur can cause pet allergy among people. Researchers have found that proteins in the saliva are allergens. Proteins in furs exist as the animal tries to lick itself. Aside from the skin, the urine also carries the proteins that cause allergies. It is the drying of the substance that carries the protein that make makes the said protein float.
Allergens are more predominant in cats for more saliva is being used to lick their bodies. In addition to this, humans like to hold them more. Guinea pigs as well as other rodents have become popular pets. Allergic reactions occur from urine from rodents such as mice and rats that get in contact with some people.

Cockroach Allergy
Cockroaches are among the most common carriers of allergen inside the house. Such pests are found in very crowded and dirty places. If your house is dusty, expect these pests and their wastes to be present in your home.
If you have cockroach allergy and you have severe asthma attacks, it is safe to conclude that there are cockroaches in your house. There is a connection between the two according to research. These pests inhabit even in spotless areas and old houses. They are found in all locations. Saliva, feces, and even bodies of cockroaches have allergenic proteins. Coming in contact with them can already trigger allergic reactions.

Learn about nut allergies.

The author writes evaluations, critiques, & informative contents on the subject of allergy. Do you want to find out more regarding allergy symptoms? Get advice straight from the author who actually encountered numerous hypersensitivity since childhood years.

Allergy Facts Unveiled – Things You Need to Know About Allergies

Sulfite Allergy Overview
Naturally occurring sulfites are a group of sulfur-based substances used in food enhancement and preservation. A study conducted by the FDA shows that sulfite sensitivity develops in one out of a hundred individual. There is no established cause for sulfite sensitivity. It most often appears without regards to the age of the person.

Sulfite reactivity, in sensitive individuals, range from mild to severe. Since 1986, a ban has been implemented by the FDA against the use of sulfites on fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw. Sulfites used in food preparation are mandated by law to be listed as part of a product label. Sulfites are used on cooked and processed foods, but not on fresh ones. Sulfites naturally occur in wine and beer.

For sensitive individuals, the only way to prevent a reaction is to avoid food varieties that contain or may contain sulfites. It is best to read food labels when going shopping. This goes especially true for people with sulfite sensitivity. If you should decide to eat out, ask to speak to the chef and inquire if sulfites have been used in the preparation of your food.

Food Allergy Overview
There is a great chance that everyone may acquire food allergies and food intolerances. Some individuals discover that they have food allergy when they eat food that give them unpleasant reactions.

One thirds of the population claims that they have food allergies or they just control their diet because a family member is believed to have food allergy. On the other hand, food allergies have affected 5% of the children population. Among other types of allergies, 4% of the cases of food allergies are on teens and adults. Know more about egg allergy.

Food allergies and food intolerances are often differentiated wrongly. As a result, the clinically proven prevalence of allergy to food and the public perception of this problem are altered. The immune system is responsible for triggering an abnormal response due to a certain allergen contained in the food. This is a called food allergy. Food intolerance and food allergy may have similar symptoms. However, the immune system is only responsible for the symptoms of allergy to food. One example of this is in the case of two different persons having either milk allergy or milk intolerance. The person having milk allergy experiences symptoms the same with the symptoms experienced by the person who is lactose intolerant. However, they are still two different conditions.

Allergy Symptoms Explained
The following symptoms are among the most common: coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and dermatitis. The manifestation of the symptoms depends on the type of allergen and how you came in contact with it.

I.E., inhalation of pollen causes difficulty in breathing, application of an allergen on the skin causes dermatitis, and ingestion of food with an allergen causes vomiting and nausea. Other individuals acquire allergies because it runs in the blood. You are said to have atopy if this happens. Babies who have low birth weight are more likely to inherit allergies. On the other hand, boys are also said to be more likely to inherit the condition than girls. The allergic reactions may range from mild to severe.
Neglected cases may be life threatening. This is also known as anaphylaxis. Prompt treatment is needed for anaphylaxis.

Latex Allergy Explained
Hypersensitivity to latex happens when a person comes in contact with products that have latex. Gloves, condoms, and other medical equipment made of latex are offending products to people with latex allergy. During an allergic reaction due to latex, symptoms will appear. These are eye tearing and irritation, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and itchiness of the skin or nose. Allergic reactions caused by latex can either be mild or severe. Skin rashes are considered to be mild symptoms and may disappear without treatment. Anaphylaxis, on the other hand, is the most severe allergic reaction that needs immediate medical attention. A person is experiencing anaphylaxis when he is having difficulty of breathing, development of hives, and gastrointestinal problems.
Removing products that has latex is considered as treatment of latex allergy. Giving medications such as antihistamines and epinephrine can relive allergy symptoms. If you are allergic to latex, you must wear a MedicAlert bracelet to give awareness to the people around you. You should never forget to bring your emergency epinephrine kit wherever you go.

If you are diagnosed with latex allergy, you should stay away from products with latex content.

Pet Allergies

The fur of cats and dogs can trigger pet allergy. According to some researchers, saliva protein can cause allergies. Saliva remains as the animals licks their fur. Another source of protein allergen is urine. When the protein-carrying substance dries up, the proteins can soar in the air.
Cats tend to have more allergens than dogs do. Licking their bodies more, people holding them more, and people spending more time attending to cats are just a few reasons they catch the allergens. What used to be unpopular as household pets, rodents like gerbils and guinea pigs are becoming popular pets. Urine of the many rodents may trigger hypersensitivity to some people.

The author writes evaluations, critiques, & informative contents on the subject of allergy. Do you want to find out more regarding allergy symptoms? Get advice straight from the author who actually encountered numerous hypersensitivity since childhood years.

Methods of Fighting Off Allergies to Keep You Healthy

Soap and Detergent Allergy

Many people think that the chemicals are the main reason that makes the person itch. According to Dr. Wedner, "It is the perfume additives that cause the skin reactions and not the chemical agents. Most soap nowadays has plant extracts that are being added to make it fancier.
The skin may react to the perfume additive and give you a rash." What to do: Check the label of the soaps and do not buy soaps that are non-organic and those that have scent and additives. However helpful phthalates are in improving textures, these chemicals and its compound are known to cause allergies. For this reason, labels must be checked whether they contain “diethyl phthalate” on them. Choose non-irritating brands which are usually organic brands such as Ivory, Dove, and Tide.

Food Allergy

There is a great chance that everyone may acquire food allergies and food intolerances. Some individuals discover that they have food allergy when they eat foods that give them unpleasant reactions.

One third of the population are saying that they actually have food allergies or they just control their family diet because a member of the family is believed to have acquired food allergy. Among other types of allergies, food allergies have affected approximately 5% on children. Food allergies affect about 4% of the teen and adult population.

Rather than food allergies, some people mistakenly identify a condition as food intolerance. As a result, the cases of clinically proven prevalence of allergies to food and the public perception about the problem are affected. A food allergy happens when the immune system mistakenly identifies a protein as harmful for the body. As a result, abnormal reactions occur. The immune system works in the triggering of food allergy symptoms. This is not applicable for food intolerance even though some of its symptoms are similar with that of food allergies. For example, milk allergy, and lactose intolerance may share similar symptoms. However, the former is characterized by an adverse reaction of the body due to milk, and the former is the inability to absorb or digest milk.

Candle Allergy
Inhaling the odor of essential oils can make one's nasal cavities inflamed. However, essential oils are used to provide a smell like autumn leaves or dune grass to candles. Dr. Wedner suggests that you cannot acquire an allergy from it. He stated that runny nose and water eyes are often acquired by allergic people when they expose themselves to candles. This is because a natural increased sensitivity is endowed to people having nasal allergies.
The smell of cigarette smoke can be compared to the smelling sensation of a person having a sensitive nose to candled. Avoiding candles is advised for people having a nose that is sensitive. Just like pumpkin, single scented candles with few ingredients are safe for people who have high sensitivity.

With the help of the elimination process, a person may verify which scent or ingredient is restricted to his smell. If ever you have inhaled a scented candle and experienced bad reactions, it is advised to get some fresh air.

Milk Allergy Symptoms Explained

The only way to prevent allergic reactions for those who have milk allergy is to avoid milk and products that contain milk. These reactions include wheezing, vomiting, and hives. It is tough to avoid these types on food because there are a number of products in the market that contain trace amounts of milk. Food intolerance and food allergies mean differently but some people confuse one from the other. Affected individuals may experience symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, and flatulence. When you use a particular product, check ingredient labels all the time. Learn about Diary Intolerance in babies.

Reading food labels before buying anything is also recommended. Sometimes, a trigger food may be created when manufacturers alter the ingredients of a certain food item.

Mold Allergies Info

If you were to count the types of molds and yeast in the fungus family, it will reach up to thousands.
Because yeasts are single-celled organisms, they have to divide in order to form clusters. Molds are composed of many cells and they grow as branching threads called hyphae. Only few specific mold types can cause mold allergy, although both can probably be the case of an allergic reaction. Spores are what the reproductive pieces or seeds of fungi are called. Among types of mold, spores differ in size, shape, and color

Millions of spores can be produced in every mold growth with the help of each germinating spore. Foods such as cheese processed with fungi can cause and worsen symptoms of mold allergy to a small number of people. There are foods that contain yeast like soy sauce and vinegar that can sometimes produce allergy symptoms.

The author writes evaluations, critiques, & informative contents on the subject of allergy. Do you want to find out more regarding allergy symptoms? Get advice straight from the author who actually encountered numerous hypersensitivity since childhood years.